18 April, 2006 10:25 p.m.

I started by counting my breath, first on the out breath, to 30. Then on the in breath, again to 30. Then I let go of the counting, and continually kept reminding myself to return to the present, the here and now.
After 10 minutes or so, I noticed my mind 'shifting a gear', it seemed to slow down. After 20 minutes, my mind had simply relaxed, there was very little mental chatter at all. I came into a tranquil state, which lasted for a few minutes. I remembered not to hang onto this, and it passed. My mind came back to the present. I said my prayer,"May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness...." during the prayer, my mind went very tranquil again, almost daydreaming.
I finished my prayer, and remembered not to become attached to this experience, so as not to have expectations on my next meditation.
I had a strange dream. I was playing the guitar(I can barely play a few chords!), I was playing full songs, and singing! Then, I noticed a tiger living in the shrubs in my old garden. He was sick. I fed him some meat from the fridge, and decided to nurse him back to help. I wondered when I awoke, did this dream have some bearing on my life/self improvement? Ah well, I will let it go....
Thanks for your thoughts about meditation! It is interesting to read about your experiences.
Keep up your good work!(If and when you feel like it, of course)
PS: I loved the tiger-photo!
Great blog.
I hope you come back soon with more updates.!!
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