24 May, 11:45 a.m. Shyness

Right now what am I thinking about? I am smiling, but it is not a true expression of happiness. I am all over the place inside. Someone made a joke at work. I smiled, to fake it, when really I am apathetic towards them. I am so polite, and coy. What is it Morrisey sang about:
"Shyness is nice,
and Shyness can stop you
From doing all the things in life You'd like to"
Fear of eye contact, because I don't know what to say, there is always a gap there where I should contribute my thoughts, jokes or any other interactivity that I can. But, I don't, I just look at the person, and say something dull.
How do you overcome shyness, and being a pushover, without turning into a total prick?
Answers on a postcard please.
Well done Zag. You took the first step;getting back on the horse. You are just experiencing life as we all do. Clarity comes with time. Put in the time, the clarity and peace will come. You have to go through this shit to make progress. It is because you are experiencing this shit that you can know you are making progress.
"How do you overcome shyness, and being a pushover, without turning into a total prick?"
It's ok to be shy! You don't have to overcome that to be a "great person". You are perfect as you are.
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