Friday, May 26, 2006

26 May 2006 8:35 a.m.

Decided to catch up on some much needed sleep last night, and had about 11 hours rest. I woke up this morning, showered and sat down on my bed. I propped myself up onto my cushion, and let my body relax. I focused on my breath.....

There feels like there is a huge white cloud between my thoughts and my consciousness....this sounds weird I know, it's not a visualisation as such, just a way of describing what this feels like. As I write this now, I can still sense this dense "cloud" within my mind. I think this might be ignorance! I think that's what it is. It's like a numbing effect on my intelligence. I feel like I need to dispel this cloud, I realise that it's been there before, but I haven't noticed it, and it usually passes after some meditation, but not always. I don't have time right now to meditate more, but I will update on Monday with my Saturday and Sunday Meditations.


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zag, the cloud is a representation of you. It means you are your own obstical. That is waht you are trying to over come. As explained before, expect nothing from the meditation and enjoy what does happen.


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